Giving to Take Hold Church
Giving plays an essential role in the life of a follower of Jesus. Giving grows our faith. Giving puts our resources and belongings in perspective, reminding us that everything we have comes from God.
At Take Hold Church, we are committed to generosity. Your giving does far more than meet the weekly needs of the Church. Your giving helps us to play our part in meeting the physical needs of communities across Edinburgh and beyond. Your giving helps us expand our outreach efforts and those of local partners and allows us to be a part of planting other churches across Scotland.
Your giving fuels us to join in God’s Kingdom expansion from Edinburgh to the ends of the earth. We are grateful you would actively participate in generosity at Take Hold Church.
Give by Bank Transfer
To give by bank transfer, please use your online banking or banking app to begin a recurring gift or to give a one-off gift. Please use our bank details below.
Account name: Take Hold Church
Sort code: 82-12-08
Account: 10045390
Bank: Virgin Money (09 Clydesdale Bank)
Reference: Your last name followed by your first name. For example, ‘JonesDavid’
Give by Card or Direct Debit
To begin a recurring gift or to give a one-off gift by card or direct debit, please click ‘Give’ below.
Gift Aid
If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donations by 25%. Click ‘Gift Aid Form’ below to complete a Gift Aid Declaration for Take Hold Church.
Have questions or need assistance?
Contact Daniel Andree at